Why are services necessary?
All children, with typical or atypical development, are born with a potential which is easy identifiable in some kids and in some other you need the help of specialists. To identify and achieve maximal potential in kids with DS, Early Therapeutic Intervention program comes to help. This program is designed for kids from the stages of birth up to 3 year old and had 4 primary goals: 1-To support the families so that they can support their children's development; 2-To promote the children's development in all fields of life; 3-To promote self confidence while facing problems; 4-To prevent any unpredictable problems that might come up in the future. This intervention lends all children a helping hand in physical, intellectual and language development. Through the Early Intervention program, children will be participating in physical therapy, game therapy and development and speech-language therapy. Physical therapy applied since first months of birth will help the children to develop muscular tonus, which is very important in the steps of development. Hypotonia is specific in children with DS and in most cases it's the primary cause in difficulties during the development of fine and gross motor skills. Motor skills can be developed with exercises, that's why it's so important for the child to go through this therapy. Occupational /development therapy is also of special importance, because it gives a boost to mental development (perception, attention, memory, learning, imagination etc) by minimizing the gap between mental and biological age. Last but not least , speech therapy (logopedia) focuses in buco-facial exercises first and then in sign language and word articulation.
Getting therapy in early ages or even later, helps creating a stable base for developing and prepares the child for the next stages of life by guiding him towards personal and social autonomy.