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What is Down Syndrome?

What is Down Syndrome?

What is Down Syndrome?

Genes carry the codes responsible for all of our inherited traits and are grouped along rod-like structures called chromosomes. Typically, the nucleus of each cell contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, half of which are inherited from each parent, doing so typical genetic material of any individual to be organized into 46 chromosomes.

Eggs and sperm have 23 chromosomes each. At the moment of fertilization they match in an embryo in 46 chromosomes. An individual with Down Syndrome has an extra chromosome in 21-st pair, resulting like this in 47 chromosomes in total.

Down Syndrome it’s not a disease but is a genetic condition. This syndrome accompanies the fetus from the gestation among all his life. There’s not known the cause that makes this change in the number of chromosomes. As we know that the DS it’s not considered as a disease it’s useless to say that there’s cure for it. The most common diagnostic analyzing way for chromosomes is karyotype, and it’s done through a procedure called amniocentesis (the analysis of amniotic fluid ) during the pregnancy. The karyotype it can be done even after the birth of the child when the doctors suspect about the DS. Today in the world statistics show that 1 in 691 birth are with DS, making like this the most common genetic condition anomaly. It doesn’t have to do with ethnicity, religion or social economic status.

The presence of this extra chromosome cause cognitive and physical disability. The most important thing to know about the individual with DS is that with the right support and the right therapy, starting from the early childhood, these individuals can reach their potential, a fact that increase the possibility to live longer, to live an inclusive and independent life, that makes them an active part of the community where they live. From the other side, we should be conscious that the individuals with DS have talents in many different fields, like art or sport, and it’s suggested for parents to give their child the possibility to develop these talents.

It’s said that the individuals with DS can’t reach normal goal in their life, but with the right support they can. Many of individuals with DS learn how to walk and to talk, and many of them are going to the public schools, pass their exams and live the life like all the others, or half-independent.

It’s said that the individuals with DS can’t reach normal goal in their life, but with the right support they can. Many of individuals with DS learn how to walk and to talk, and many of them are going to the public schools, pass their exams and live the life like all the others, or half-independent.

It’s said that the individuals with DS are always happy, but we are all unique and the individuals with SD aren’t different from others about the characteristics of their personality or their emotional states.

A letter to my son!
from the Founder of Down Syndrome Albania Foundation

My dearest, a little while longer and you will turn two years of age, and I will be experiencing the second year of my true happiness, my meaningful existence!



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